Landline phone service

Landline phone service:- While telecommunications has evolved from trunk to touch, most people are unaware of its history. The new generation, which is glued to the smartphone at all times, may not know that in 2016 there were about 206 million users of landline phone service in China, 121 million users in USA and 33 million in the UK. To know more about landline phone service, it is imperative to understand the history of telecommunications and its journey from the telegraph to the touch phone. The seed of telecommunications was planted by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 when he was first given the patent to develop a devise that would enable people to communicate over long distances. The first landline was developed with the help of wires connecting one residence to another and from there to another. The sound waves carrying the message of the speaker was converted into electrical form and transmitted through the wires. However, since it was not feasible to cover a large nu...